Sunday 5 January 2014

Recycling Research Task

Film - Toy Story 3

Toy Story 3 has parts in the film what relate to the recycling theme, near enough to the end of the film the characters get stuck in a metal shredder, they then have to find a magnetic item to help them escape it, they finally escape the shredder only to get stuck inside a huge incinerator. They get saved from it and end up in a huge recycling yard where there are hundreds of different recycled material piles.

Literature - Ingenious Jean

Ingenious Jean is a book about a girl who never really had any friends, she had a hobby of inventing things with whatever she could find lying around. She would turn boxes into planes or make new things for her entertainment. This links well with the recycling theme as she makes things she can use out of different pieces of rubbish and other items.

Game - The Cave

The Cave is a puzzle/platform game that widely revolves around recycling. You always have to take something from an object and re use it to help you solve puzzles. For example, you would have to take a fuse out of a vending machine and use it for lights or smash it and set a rope on fire to get to the next level.

Illustration - Matthew Dale

I like this illustration because it shows everything you can do to recycle and to save the environment on a daily basis, in one picture. For example, throwing your bottles into a recycling bin, or riding your bike instead of driving.

Animation - Frogspawn Creative

This short animation shows that if we stop caring about the environment around us, and if we don't recycle, we will end up killing the world. On one side of the fence there is a dirty environment and on the other is a clean and healthy environment. The person that lives in the dirty environment is destroying his trees and not re planting. He realises by looking at his neighbor that he isn't recycling and he is destroying the trees so he goes ahead and takes action by planting some seeds and trees.

Artist/Designer - Makaon

The designer I have chosen is a Japanese artist named Makaon, he creates different sculptures out of different recycled materials such as drink cans and sweet wrappers. He creates a huge range of sculptures from video game characters to animals. Here is some of his work.

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